RV Insurance in Maine
Allen/Freeman/McDonnell Agency
RV Insurance
- What Is It?
- Who Needs It?
- Coverages Offered
Motorhomes are essentially part vehicle and part house, and therefore require coverages akin to both auto and homeowners policies. RV insurance combines coverages to protect motorhomes well.
Certain insurance coverages are still recommended when RVs aren’t being driven. Financed and leased RVs may even be required to have insurance that protects the lender’s interest in the vehicle.
- Comprehensive Coverage
- Collision Coverage
- Personal Injury Coverage
What is RV insurance?
Motorhomes generally require more extensive insurance than most standard auto policies provide. RV insurance is designed to help Maine residents who have motorhomes get the various coverages they need.
Motorhomes are essentially part vehicle and part house, and therefore require coverages akin to both auto and homeowners policies. RV insurance combines coverages to protect motorhomes well.
Who in Maine is motorhome insurance right for?
Maine generally requires vehicles to be insured, and this requirement usually extends to RVs when they’re driven. Anyone who owns and drives an RV likely needs motorhome insurance.
Certain insurance coverages are still recommended when RVs aren’t being driven. Financed and leased RVs may even be required to have insurance that protects the lender’s interest in the vehicle.
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Do motorhome policies cover any size RV?
Insurance is broadly available for virtually any size RV, but not every policy will cover all sizes. Policies are often grouped into three different classes based on what size RVs they’re intended for:
- Class A usually covers large RVs and converted passenger buses
- Class B usually covers medium RVs, travel trailers and camper vans
- Class C usually covers small RVs and fifth-wheel trailers
An insurance agent who specializes in motorhome policies can help RVers determine which policy class their model requires.
What coverages do motorhome insurance policies make available?
The specific terms and conditions of motorhome insurance policies are uniquely adapted for RVs. Many of the coverages found within these policies resemble protections that auto insurance and homeowners insurance often comes with, however.
Some of the more vehicle-focused coverages that motorhome policies frequently make available are:
- Comprehensive Coverage: May cover non-accident damage to the RV
- Collision Coverage: May cover accident damage to the RV
- Personal Injury Coverage: May cover injuries to persons inside the RV
- Bodily Injury Coverage: May cover injuries to persons outside the RV
- Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Coverage: May cover accidents with uninsured drivers
Some of the property-focused coverages that are more akin to what might be in a homeowners policy are:
- Personal Property Coverage: May protect belongings such as dishes, electronics, clothing, etc.
- Campsite and Vacation Coverage: May protect against various risks while an RV is parked and set up
- Emergency Expenses Coverage: May help pay immediate lodging and food expenses following a disaster
- Full-Timer Coverage: May provide extra property and/or liability coverage for RVers without another residence

Do RVers need their motorhome policy to include personal property coverage?
Most people should have personal property coverage through some insurance policy, for replacing lost or stolen belongings can be surprisingly expensive. Whether the coverage should be procured through a motorhome policy depends on whether an RVer already has it through a homeowners insurance policy.
If personal property coverage that offers “worldwide coverage” is included within an RVer’s homeowners policy, then personal property coverage likely doesn’t have to be included in a motorhome policy. Worldwide coverage means that the homeowner’s protection probably extends to when belongings are in an RV.
If a homeowners policy doesn’t offer personal property coverage with “worldwide coverage,” then personal property coverage probably should be included in a motorhome policy. Few homeowners policies have no personal property coverage, but it’s possible that a rare policy doesn’t adequately cover belongings. Many homeowners policies don’t provide “worldwide coverage,” in which case any protection afforded for belongings that aren’t at the insured residence could be very limited.
While this advice generally holds true, every policy comes with its own terms and conditions. RVers should review their homeowners insurance with a knowledgeable insurance agent, before deciding whether to include personal property coverage in their motorhome policy.

How can RVers in Maine get RV insurance?
For help insuring a motorhome that’s in Maine, contact the independent insurance agents at Allen Freeman McDonnell Agency. We’ll work closely with you to find an RV insurance policy that’ll insure your motorhome well.