Daycare Insurance in Maine
Allen/Freeman/McDonnell Agency
Daycare Insurance in Maine
- What Is It?
- Who Needs It?
- Coverages Offered
Daycare insurance is specialized commercial insurance for child care providers. Policies normally protect against a range of both property and liability risks.
An insurance agent who’s specialized in child care policies can help businesses check whether they should purchase this type of insurance.
- General Liability Coverage
- Abuse and Molestation Liability Coverage
- Corporal Punishment Liability Coverage
What is daycare insurance?
Child care providers accept a great responsibility when they care for children, and with that responsibility comes significant risks. Should a child ever be injured (or worse) while being watched, the consequences could be devastating for all involved. Purchasing daycare insurance won’t stop anything bad from happening to children, but it may provide Maine child care providers with financial protections should they be held responsible.
Daycare insurance is specialized commercial insurance for child care providers. Policies normally protect against a range of both property and liability risks.
What Maine businesses should carry child care insurance?
Most Maine organizations that provide child care services should probably have child care insurance. This includes both for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations. For example, the following organizations might purchase this type of policy:
- Large, multi-site child care businesses
- Smaller, one-site child care businesses
- At-home child care businesses
- Public early childhood education programs
- Religious nursery schools and preschools
- Other preschools and daycare centers
Businesses that offer child care as a perk might also need child care insurance, even if this isn’t their primary service. Ski centers might need it for their daycare programs, and any grocery stores that have on-site child care might also need a policy.
An insurance agent who’s specialized in child care policies can help businesses check whether they should purchase this type of insurance.
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What coverages are included in child care insurance policies?
Most child care policies offer a combination of protection, which allows these policies to shield providers from multiple risks. Some coverages that are normally available include:
- General Liability Coverage: May cover common “slip and fall” accidents occurring at a provider’s facility/home
- Abuse and Molestation Liability Coverage: May cover allegations of inappropriate contact with children
- Corporal Punishment Liability Coverage: May cover allegations of corporal punishment administered to children
- Commercial Umbrella Coverage: May cover expensive lawsuits with additional liability protection
- Commercial Property Coverage: May cover buildings, equipment, furniture and toys against damage and loss
- Commercial Auto Coverage: May cover accidents involving vehicles that children are driven around in
Commercial auto coverage might cover business-owned vehicles or personal vehicles, depending on the specific type of coverage chosen. A knowledgeable insurance agent can help providers make sure they get the right type of auto coverage and the other coverages they need.

What liability limits should child care providers choose?
Liability coverages are generally the protections that insure against lawsuits, and lawsuits can become expensive. Legal fees and settlements can be especially expensive when children are involved.
Because of how expensive liability lawsuits can be to defend against and settle, child care providers might want to choose high limits for their policy’s liability coverages. Providers can discuss exactly how high limits might be with an insurance agent, who can compare rates and provide examples where coverage could be needed.

Do child care centers need workers' compensation coverage?
Maine state law requires most employers to carry workers’ compensation coverage. The coverage usually insures against workplace injuries and illnesses, often reimbursing employees for lost wages and medical expenses when they have a claim.
Child care providers who work alone may not need workers’ compensation. Those who employ people likely do need this coverage. When it’s needed, workers’ compensation can be purchased within child care policies or outside of them.
How can child care providers get daycare insurance?
For help finding daycare insurance, contact the independent Maine insurance agents at Allen Freeman McDonnell Agency. Our agents will work with you to identify coverage and limit needs, and then we’ll show you several policies that meet those particular needs. We can help you choose the best policy irrespective of what company offers it, since we’re an independent agency.